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We Buy Premium Mixed Rags

We Buy Premium Mixed Rags - Thrift Stores

We will buy your unsold, overstock and seasonal clothing and shoes. We want mix rags from the finest areas of USA and Canada, unsorted. We will bring them to our facility in Eastern Canada and export them to our overseas customers. Your mix rags should be very good quality, with very little stained or torn clothing, very little wipers and trash and basically lots of store tags and bright colors. If you can supply us this quality, we will buy multiple truckloads weekly. If you are located in Ontario or Québec and have a minimum of 1,000lbs per week, we can add you to our regular truck route. If you have more than this, we can provide a solution to retrieve these mixed rags on a regular basis to reduce your operational costs and free up space. Please contact one of our account managers for more information.

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